The Power of Your Single Vote

I have been practicing Election Law for most of my practice. As a result, I’ve witnessed many, many instances where a single vote has made a difference in the outcome of an election. Here are just 3 examples:

1) In 2003, the race for a seat on the Pennsylvania Superior Court, came down to these totals:

Ms. Gantman: 1,125,543
Mr. Driscoll: 1,125,515

Yes, a statewide election was decided by 28 votes! 28 votes out of 2.5 million votes cast for these two candidates.

2) In the 2015 primary, an Indiana County Auditor candidate finished in a dead heat, only to lose the nomination in a “casting of lots” tiebreaker.

3) In Allegheny County, municipal elections, those involving City, Borough, Township and School District offices, result in a dozen plus ties each election. Those ties are broken by the drawing of number “pills” from a generations old leather bottle.

How different would these elections have been if just a few people voted? The answer is clear. Your vote does count.

To register to vote in the Presidential Election in Pennsylvania, you must register on or before Tuesday, October 11. Mailed voter registration forms must be postmarked by October 11.

– Allan J. Opsitnick