COVID-19… A Surreal World

Just some thoughts during this time of national and world crisis:

The two working adults in our house are fortunate that we are both able to work from home. In addition I have my father, aged 95, staying with us pending the end of Pennsylvania’s stay at home order.

Like any other event, there is too much corporatization. Television overflowing with “helpful” ads and I’ve received e-mails from service providers that I’ve never used; consultants, court reporting firms, insurance companies and the like as well as “we are here to help you” e-mails from credit card firms, airlines, etc. Anyone of normal intelligence knows where to contact a firm, person or agency if a question arises.

Both the Federal and Pennsylvania government are enacting economic stimulus programs. See the link below to calculate how much you and your family will be eligible to receive:

Stimulus Check Calculator

While we are stuck at home, the internet provides a breathtaking array of outlets. Museums, art galleries, parks and other activities are available online.

Fender musical instruments has offered 3 months of free guitar lessons online to the first 100,000 people interested. So I signed up. By not having to commute, I’m saving an hour to an hour and a half every day, so I’m taking guitar lessons and have pulled my ukulele and Fender bass out to brush considerable rust from my musical skills.

I’m old enough to remember the Kennedy assasination (I was in 6th grade) and naturally the events of September 11th. With these crises, there was a period of shock and adjustment but the trauma as closed ended. On September 11th, within a few days, we realized that the attack had ended, and we could grieve, join together and move on. With COVID-19 currently an open-ended disaster, we do not know when we will return to anything approaching normal. This disaster could be more stressful that anything before, for that reason it is important to help each other. We try to patronize local businesses for take out meals. This is not a great time to be a small business. Americans persevere. We shall do so.

All that being said, I’m available at all times to respond to questions, whether or not you are an existing client. My contact information is:

Cell Phone: (412) 600-2676

Allan Opsitnick